Friday, March 14, 2025

2 Awesome Ways #SchoolAI Supports Accessibility #Accessibility #EdChat

As a person with ADHD and Dyslexia, among other things, accessibility is very important to me. Decding to leave the classroom is not an easy decision because I know that my neurodivergence might not thrive outside of the classroom. Having been with SchoolAI for 5 months now, I have seen how much they, not only value neurodivergence, but how much we stress accessibility. I am excited to showcase two things that can help make learning more accessible for students right now. 

1. Voice to Text

It can be tough for younger students to type all of their thoughts accurately and efficiently, so it is important to support them and create tools that make it easier to share their thoughts and ideas. Voice to Text is a feature that now allows them to press and hold the space bar to record their thoughts. They can pause and resume by simply lifting up and back down again. I also loves this for users that process their thoughts at different speeds. By creating an easier way to engage with Text to Speech, users can now share their thoughts without the worry of spelling and how long it might take them to type due to dexterity issues. This can help lower anxiety issues which will allow the user to think more clearly and engage more completely. 

2. EasyRead Mode

Being dyslexic and an internet user means that I often spend too much time rereading things because the fonts are not designed to support more processing. There are a multitude of fonts, but most of them do not support readers with dyslexia. To help with this issue for users, SchoolAI built EasyReader Mode. A students can simply turn it on at the top and the text will adjust and become a dyslexic friendly font. I have to say, this makes my brain so happy. Not just because I was on the Hackathon team that worked on this idea during HQ Week, but because it is easier for me to read. It is estimated that anywhere between 6% and 17% students have some for of dyslexia. Many of those students go undiagnosed. That means there are thousands of students out there that simply feel dumb because school is so tough for them. Little things like this can help make a difference for diagnosed and undiagnosed students. 

These are just two ways that SchoolAI is more accessible to students. Teachers can also use our Tools to level and translate texts to make them more accessible to their students. 20 years ago, the act of trying to make learning more accessible to students in the classroom was a very long and difficult process. Today, there is really no excuse not to make an effort to use a wide variety of edtech tools to support students who are looking for just a little help so they can engage in class. 

Stay tuned for more updates on features and things that can make learning more accessible to all students. 

Hugs and High Fives, 


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