Sunday, January 1, 2017

#Make52 Challenge

Happy New Year!

I'm always looking for something to challenge me in the new year. During the first week of my break, I've had a chance to tinker again and it is such a fun experience coming back to things after being buried in work. I wanted to challenge myself to try and make something once a week. What I will make will really be up to what I'm feeling like that week. Some of my projects might just be hacks or upgrades of older projects, or they might be something brand new. They might also have nothing to do with technology at all. I might take some time to color and make things pretty. No matter what it is and how it ends up, I will share it on my blog, Instagram, or Twitter. The more complex the project, the more likely I will provide a detailed reflection here.

I would love to see others join me in this fun adventure and #Make52 in 2017. Making can be whatever you want it to be, so have fun with it. Making is the simplest doodle and the most complex sculpture. I want the world to see that Making is all around us and we are all Makers.

Write a post or add the tag #Make52 to a tweet or Instagram post so we can all share in the Maker fun this year. Hugs and High Fives!

Week 1: PiGRRL Zero

I attempted making this some time ago, but had some serious problems with the USB connection to the micro USB. It would cause the entire system to short. I spent some time today taking it apart and fixing the wiring. Once I had that squared away, I printed a new back to the case and closed everything up. I now have sound for my NerdyPi 0.


  1. Hmm, I like the idea, but once a week is a little rough. :-)

  2. Well, I was looking at doing something smaller every day but this sounds like a better idea. I have this same resolution this year. Look at my tweet from yesterday. @haleedtech

  3. Ok, Shaina. I was on the fence until I saw your name on here. Let's make some stuff!

  4. Looking forward to all the posts from this challenge! What a great collection of making this will be!


Please post your thoughts here. Thanks!