Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 19 and 20 #NerdyCast Reflections

It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me. I have been sick for about two weeks and I have had the busiest two weeks at the same time. I wrote about being sick and being a teacher and had so many great responses. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one that deals with the dilemma of deciding how sick is sick enough to go to work.

We also had a visit from Kid President!

I will go into more detail in a later post, but his visit was awesome and I'm so glad I had a chance to see a friend again and meet the one and only Kid President. It was a great day and I was happy I was able to share it with my students.

My students also wrapped up their Mock Trial and they all did an amazing job. I'm so proud of my students and everything they accomplish. Seeing their engaged faces in projects like this makes all of the hard work worth it. 

Here is the video reflection. I will have more posts soon to cover some of my thoughts more deeply. 


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