
Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 9 Teaching Reflections #EdChat #NerdyCast

Here are my thoughts on the first 9 weeks of teaching. I love that I'm sticking to this reflection goal. It has given me plenty to think about. I've limited myself to 4 minutes, so I can't talk about everything that comes across my mind, but I really have looked at different areas in much more depth than I have before. I also have been looking at my interactions with students as well. In an effort to keep the students' actions private, I've opted to keep those reflections to myself so students do not watch and think they are the center of the video.

Here is my video on Week 9 Reflections. Feel free to leave any thoughts below.


  1. Does YouTube count views of embedded videos? If so, at least one more view this week.

    I think it's wonderful that the 20 Time project is flexible enough that children and still use it for exploration/discovery.

  2. I just started a 20% Time-esque project as a shared venture with the history teacher on my team. So far, the kids are loving it and so are we! I like your idea about kids using the time to figure out what they're passionate about. I may use that with the couple still-lost kiddos we have, too. Thanks!


Please post your thoughts here. Thanks!