
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The @BlackboardK12 BITS Learning Sessions #11 #BbK12Live

I've partnered with BlackboardK12 to share out the awesome sessions they are having this Fall. Educators can sign up to attend and share with other great educators what they have learned. I'll feature the session and the description on my blog each week and on my Twitter account. If you have questions, feel free to shoot a tweet to @BlackboardK12. Have fun learning and sharing!

Putnam County Embraces 21st Century Learning

The Putnam County School System (PCSS) began its personalized learning odyssey with the creation of the Virtual Instruction to Accentuate Learning (VITAL) program in 2008. Since then we have leveraged the tools available in Blackboard Learn™ to create a unique multifaceted program that includes credit advancement, credit recovery, dual enrollment, collegiate high school, interactive video conferencing, and flipped and blended learning. Come share our story and see how a rural Tennessee school district has embraced 21st century learning in order to connect with our students on their terms and meet their diverse needs.

Sam Brooks, Personal Learning Coordinator

Sam Brooks has been very honored to work for the Putnam County VITAL program for the past 5 years, first, as an Onsite Facilitator at a local high school where he "cut his teeth" and gained knowledge of personal learning. Brooks then moved to a leadership role as Personal Learning Coordinator for Putnam County Schools in Cookeville, TN. The VITAL program in Putnam County has grown to include credit advancement/credit recovery, dual enrollment, IVC (live) distance learning, K-12 blended learning, as well as offering professional development for the 20 schools within our district. VITAL implemented a district homeschool, as well as an early college dual enrollment program (VITAL Collegiate High School) beginning in the fall of 2014. VITAL hosted over 30 site visits the past two years from districts interested in the operation of our personal learning program.

Mr Brooks and the VITAL program is very excited to offer a personal learning opportunities to Putnam County students, as well as, students around the Upper Cumberland area. Currently courses are offered for students in Grades 3-12 during the regular school year and during the summer months.

The mission of the Virtual Instruction to Accentuate Learning (VITAL) Program is to provide students with a high quality, flexible, technology-based educational opportunity that allows them to maximize their potential to serve and participate productively in 21st century society in an anytime/anywhere atmosphere.

Mr. Sam Brooks, Supervisor of Personalized Learning for Putnam County Schools, was recognized by the Center for Digital Education as a Top 30 Technologists, Transformers, and Trailblazers for 2014. Mr. Brooks was chosen for this prestigious award based on his work in K-12 education and will be recognized at the national Digital Education Leadership Conversation Conference in Nashville, TN. in October.

Twitter: @vitalk12​

When: Monday, November 10, 2014 3:30PM EST

Sign Up

Don't forget to check out the Blackboard Live App. It has all of the sessions you might have missed and much much more.

Here is the playlist where you can watch this recorded session and other sessions you might have missed.

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