
Friday, May 16, 2014

Learning in the #EduLounge

I was very honored to be asked by my good friend +Steven Anderson to speak at Class Flow's Educators Lounge in Dallas this past weekend. It was a very cool event that allowed teachers to come together and connect in an intimate setting. I love the idea of getting educators together in smaller groups and allowing them to connect. Some of the best things I have ever learned have happened in smaller settings.

Adding their own awesomeness to the event were amazing educators +Tom Whitby and +Amber Teamann. They shared the value of being a connected educator and being a leader in the classroom. It was great to be on stage and listen to good friends and great educators share the things they have learned with passionate educators who have chosen to give up a Saturday to learn.

I was very happy to share the awesome work my students have been doing for their 20 Time projects. I was given 20 minutes to talk about Project Based Learning and easily talked for 30 - 35 minutes (Sorry Steven!). I can't help it though, when I get to talk about how amazing my students are, I can't turn it off.

I think this is something I would love to see more teachers do. When people say they love the work going on in my classroom, I always tell them it is the students. I put the pieces in places, but the kids are the real stars of my classroom. I feel like I'm in such a special job. I get to brag about the amazing things my students do every day and it fills me with such joy and pride. It is awesome to feel part of the learning and growth. I feel like I owe them all a big thank you at the end of every class.

Whether you are doing awesome things with project based learning, iPads, Chromebooks, or something you have invented on your own, I want to encourage you to brag about what your students are doing. These are the stories that matter most. Hearing about pedagogy from teachers can be interesting (sometimes), but I always smile when I see students being awesome in the classroom. That tells me everything I need to know about a lesson or a teacher. Those are the stories that are remembered and inspire others to try new things.

I cannot wait to see where the next #edulounge events will be held in the fall. I highly encourage you to keep an eye out for them and sign up to attend or watch on line. Getting a chance to share a story with other educators is something that should not be ignored.

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