
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why #NerdyCast? #EdChat

I have received a few questions about why I have decided to start an entire YouTube channel for NerdyCast. The answer is not because I have so much extra time on my hands, it's because I felt there was a void that could be filled with a fun educational channel that explores the other parts of education that are not openly discussed.

There are so many of us that are passionate about "nerdy" things. We can be Trekkies or Wookies, but we love something and want to find ways to share it with other passionate teachers and our students in the classroom.

I look to provide content that covers all things we geek out about and some ways they can be incorporated in the classroom.

Here is a short video that sums up what I think #NerdyCast is about. Remember to subscribe so I can reach 100 subscribers. Live shows on YouTube are available after 100!

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