
Monday, July 29, 2013

Mobile Scanning Needs Met By @Doxie #EduTour

There are many people that are going to look at this post and say, "Why not just take a picture?" Yes, taking a picture might be faster, but it would not always be better. There are things that I want to look good and that is where the Doxie Scanner comes in to play.

I figured there might be things that I want to save and share with everyone and the camera on my iPhone 4 might not be good enough to capture the way I want. The Doxie Scanner I am using for the trip is the Doxie Go. Doxie has a few options worth checking out. I like the Doxie Go because it has the SD card slot that allows me to do the scanning I need and then upload them to the my iPad using the iPad/SD card connector. If I want, I can also just scan the items directly into Evernote when the scanner is connected to my laptop.

The Doxie Scanners are all very easy to carry around and keep in your backpack or luggage without any problem. As someone who travels often, it is nice to have a portable scanner that fits nicely in my luggage and can be used without a laptop. I never know when I will have to scan something and send it somewhere and the Doxie Go is great for my mobile scanning needs.

I have used Doxie in my classroom with the iPads and it has worked nicely for my students. They were able to scan written work and upload it to their Evernote accounts. They did this while the rest of class worked on projects, so it was a nice way to keep their e-portfolios up to date. Doxie is the perfect tool in my classroom when I need 30 people to scan from their desks.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Nick! I look forward to checking these out. I like the price point. :)

    Erin Klein


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