
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chemistry Class and a @LivescribeK12 Sky Pen #EdChat #SciChat

Here is a post from Jessica Haggerty (@gpschemistry) who is a Chemistry teacher at Grosse Pointe South High School. I gave her a Sky Pen and was curious how it would work in her classroom. Here are her thoughts. 

I use the Livscribe Sky Pen almost daily in my chemistry classroom.  Especially during units heavy in problem solving, it is extraordinarily helpful for students who were absent for lessons or students who need extra reinforcement when working at home to have access to the lesson at home.  Before using the Sky Pen, handing a copy of the notes where I had solved a long problem to a student left them only confused searching for how I got from one step to another and where I took specific numbers from.  The learning that can take place where they can listen to an explanation and solve the problem without me being present is incredible. 

Personally, one of the greatest things about the Livescribe Sky Pen for me is that when I am unable to be in class for a day, I do not have to “miss” a day in my curriculum.  I can go through the lesson at home the night before and have the lesson ready for my substitute teacher the next day.  It allows me to stay up with my curriculum even if I have to miss days.  On the same note, it allows me to give the students more supplemental material and reviews that they can view on their own time. 

The students have become accustomed to having their lessons online and regularly use them.  Many have even come to me, seniors especially, about purchasing their own pen to take to college as a resource.  I highly recommend using the Livescribe Sky Pen to all educators, especially in the math and sciences.

Here are some examples that Jessica has created using her Sky Pen:

brought to you by Livescribe

Jessica Haggerty is in her 4th year of teaching and teaches honors and regular Chemistry. She has a Chemistry degree and a masters in teaching and curriculum with a technology endorsement. You can follow her on Twitter at @gpschemistry


  1. I used to do the same thing with the smartboard, recording the lessons for my students to view later. It was pretty helpful for students that needed to see a lesson more than once.

  2. Nick,
    Where is Jessica doing this writing while she is teaching the class? Is she using a smartnotebook as well?


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