
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Evernote Online Workshop with The Principal Center

Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know that I'm doing a Webinar on how to use Evernote in Education with The Principal Center in November. All of the details are below. If you are interested in registering, follow this link.

This is going to be a great 3-hour workshop where I will cover all of the different ways that Evernote can impact your life as an educator. I have spent countless hours working on the ins and outs of Evernote and developed a system that makes my life easier every day. Isn't that what every teacher is looking for in a web tool? If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a tweet (@TheNerdyTeacher), an email ( or visit the site.

Here is the information from The Principal Center

November 13 & 15, 2012
3-4:30 PM Pacific/6-7:30 PM Eastern (Two 90-minute sessions)

Both live sessions will also be recorded and sent to participants afterward

What can Evernote do for your classroom?

We've heard for decades about the paperless world that was supposedly coming. Paper may be here to stay, but the digital tools we've been waiting for are here, and they're more powerful than we could have imagined. Learn about the 21st century tool that's changing the way educators manage their information, from lesson plans to student work to class newsletters. 
Nicholas Provenzano, a high school English teacher and instructional technology expert from Grosse Pointe Public Schools in Michigan, has fully incorporated Evernote into his professional practice, from lesson planning to managing student work to communicating with families.


In this in-depth workshop, he will show you how using Evernote in your classroom can enable you to:
  • Get more organized, without having to spend more time on organization
  • Keep track of documents and notes, such as lesson plans, handouts, and access them on any device - even your phone
  • Search for any text, even inside photos and handwritten documents
  • Share plans, assignments, or other information with colleagues, students, or parents, wtih a single click
  • Collect student work electronically and maintain secure online portfolios for each student
  • Avoid the clutter and time-consuming management that comes with maintaining paper lesson materials or hundreds of electronic files from year to year
  • Maximize the benefits of technology for your teaching, even if you don't have the latest gear
  • Provide accommodations for students and increase communication with families
  • Let students do their homework from their smartphones, wherever they are
  • Use cutting-edge accessories to make your work easier

Workshop Format

This workshop consists of two 90-minute sessions, which will be held live on our online webinar/workshop platform. Participants will be able to ask Nick questions during and after each session, and the recordings will be posted for download after each live session. Participants who aren't able to join the live sessions will be able to ask questions via our online forum, where we will respond and share additional materials to support your use of the strategies in your classroom.
If you would prefer to access all three hours of content in one sitting, you can simply download the presentation recordings after the second session.

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