
Monday, August 29, 2011

Photoshop for Kids: Scratch Art - #AdobeEduAwards

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From Steve Loya Flickr Creative Commons

I'm highlighting another awesome lesson that has been submitted to the Adobe Education Exchange. If you want a chance to win amazing prizes, you just need to sign up and share your lesson with the Education Community. Read my previous post for more details.

This week I looked at an awesome lesson submitted by Nicole Dalesio that uses Photoshop with her students. I remember doing Scratch Art when I was younger and still think it is really cool what people can create with it.

Here is a video that Nicole did that explains how she uses Adobe Photoshop with her students.

My favorite part of this lesson is that it is accessible to students of all ages. Once a teacher shows the students how to use Photoshop, the kids can start creating. I'm a big fan of just letting student create and seeing what they come up with for their project. This lesson really allows students to be as creative as they want.

If you love this lesson, you should join the Adobe Education Exchange and rate this lesson. Nicole is in the running for some great prizes and needs your votes to make it to the finals. If you want to chance to win great Adobe products, all you have to do is join the Adobe Education Exchange and submit your awesome lesson and share with the rest of us. I can't wait to see what you have to share.

Disclaimer: Adobe is a sponsor of The Nerdy Teacher.


  1. Nice post, Nick! Nicole is an amazing teacher and it's always cool to see her work shared.

  2. Hey, thanks for posting this, and thanks also, Rushton, for the nice comment. Actually, this tutorial was the winner of the 2010 contest. I'm glad you liked it! Adobe Education Exchange is a great place to find resources for teaching. Thanks!


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