
Monday, February 7, 2011


I've been thinking about writing this post since the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl yesterday. Below is the Chrysler ad featuring Eminem and the city I love.

I felt chills when I saw the commercial. I was filled with pride as my city was shown to the world the way I, and many other Detroiters, see it.

This summer, I spent some time looking for venues to hold edcamp Detroit. I had the chance to have it at a couple of places outside the city limits in some very nice suburbs of Detroit. However, I couldn't bring myself to commit to anywhere else but The D. Edcamp Detroit needed to be in the city. If change is going to happen, it needs to start there.

This city has gone through so much over the past few decades and this post is not about placing blame on politicians, city councils or school boards. This post is about hope. That commercial was about hope. Edcamp Detroit is about hope. Hope in changing the educational system that is letting too many children down.

Eminem's song, "Lose Yourself" was the perfect song to choose for the video and the city. I think it is the perfect song for edcamp Detroit as well. Education is about the moment. The moment we have as teachers to connect with a student. The moment educators have to change the way we think to impact the lives of children in school districts across the country. As teachers, we need to seize these moments and make a difference. We have to start sometime. Why not now?

In May, teachers from all over the area are going to meet in the city that revolutionized transportation and try to revolutionize education. Is it a lofty goal? Yes, but I can think of no better place than Detroit to start. I was #MadeInDetroit.

- @TheNerdyTeacher


  1. Great post- being a Metro Detroiter myself, I felt a lot of the same things you did. It seems like a lot of people are buzzing about it- I'm watching Brian Williams do a news report on it right now!

    On the other hand- I'm bummed I don't know if I'll make it to Edcamp Detroit. It's my nephew's first communion and I'll be kicked out of the family if I miss it. Is there anyway I can participate for part of it? I'm still trying to figure out the schedule.

  2. Great post & I hear you. MadeInDetroit was one classy commercial & you just had to want things to get better. I grew up in Youngstown & you know the story. Good luck with EdCamp you and everyone who attends will make it a success.

  3. Your post made me smile. Was thinking about you when I saw commercial. Wouldn't it be awesome to inspire this kind of pride in our schools?


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