
Monday, June 7, 2010

A Collection of Links

Chemical Elements - This is a fun site for Chemistry teachers to share with their students or use in class when discussion the periodic table. It's an interactive chart that allows the user to select an element and it will take you to a new page where it will display a host of information. Here is an example of our friend Oxygen.

This could be useful for review or possibly introducing new elements to students. It would also work well on Smartboards since the entire Periodic Table responds to clicks. Take a look and see if it would fit in with your Science lessons.

Curriki is a great website that is filled with wonderful lessons for all grade levels and content areas. It is a free site that works as a wiki. Teachers can upload various assignments and lessons and other teachers, like you, can browse lessons by subject and grade level to see if there is anything you could use for your class. You do need to sign up with an email address, but you do not have to pay for anything and you should make sure to click the box that says you do not want emails from the site or their buddy sites. I've used this a few times to look for ideas and get my creative ideas going. You might not have used the exact lessons found, but I have used some as a jumping off point for other things I have done in the classroom. Everyone could find a few things to use in their class with Curriki. Also, don't be afraid to upload an awesome lesson you have to share with the rest of the world.

Create a Coat of Arms - Here is a fun site for teachers and students. It is a very simple site that allows you to create your own coat of arms. With the proper lesson in place before hand, this could be a fun lesson for students to create a Coat of Arms. Here is one I created in just a couple of minutes.

Here a few things I've seen the past few days that I thought I would pass along to those that might not have seen them. I have less that two weeks left of school and can't wait to get to #ISTE10


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