
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Creating Art Without The Mess!

I learned about this site from @Ktenkely on her website iLearntechnology. It's an interacitve site that allows you to create Jackson Pollock style paintings without any of the mess. This is great fun on the Smartboard. By clicking the mouse you change to a random color and splashes of paint appear as you move the mouse across the screen. is a wonderful site that art teachers can use that will save you a big cleanup in the future.

I let my students play with the site on the IWB and they loved it. They loved the randomness of the colors and how there was no "wrong" way to create the painting. I recommend using this in any class where you might have some time to allow your students to explore their creative side without needing a smock. :-)

- @TheNerdyTeacher


  1. I did this with my students on the IWB too, they got such a kick out of it. We created with different music to inspire us and it was amazing how different they turned out. Fun!

  2. This is such a great idea. It is a really good way for students to discuss 'what art is' and 'what makes something a work of art'. Great intro to abstract and other types of art.

  3. You might also look at It is like putting different colored sand in a bottle that you would buy on spring break or in Florida. Give it a try


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